Gestions creatives
Informació grups
La modalitat Gestions Creatives del Grau en Educació Infantil s’imparteix en grup de matí (50 places) i en grup de tarda (40 places). Per escollir torn (matí/tarda) l’estudiantat haurà de realitzar la matrícula en el dia i l'hora assignats en funció de la nota d'accés. Un cop exhaurides les places de qualsevol dels grups, l’alumnat s’haurà de matricular en el grup amb places lliures.
Pepa Valls Gabernet
Room 2.16
Attending hours:
Tuesday from 9am to 12am
What is Creative Management?
The educational reality is in process to go redefining his geographies. The last advances of the pedagogy, the psychology and the different conceptual areas have comported that every time there are more schools that pose transform deeply methodologies, organisations and architectures. The degree of childish education in CREATIVE MANAGEMENT pretends to offer a training that give answer to this new stage in constant evolution.
Which are the axes of the project?
- Development of the creativity
- Management of the own learning
- Relation University- Community
How Creative Management is structured?
Creative management combines the theoretical classes with the work in spaces of learning understood like laboratories of permanent investigation where propose diverse creative actions (challenges that have to be resolved by the and the students of management form and creative with the orientation of all the team of professors of the degree) that invite to the action, the debate and the reflection. The structure of the matters articulates in the surroundings of the areas of the official curriculum, the formative matters in the field psycopedagogical, the external practices in educational centres and the optative contents.
Which are the advantages?
- The links of the THEORY with THE ACTION comports a better development of professional competitions.
- The relation of the different matters of the plan of studies with the Creative Actions from the TRANSDISCIPLINES allows a better understanding and analysis of the conceptual contents.
- The development of the CREATIVITY from the production, the uncertainty, the dialogue, the process of essay/error... It favours a better professional preparation to give answer in the school of the 21st century.
- THE MANAGEMENT of the own learning (in the spaces and through the actions) boosts the personal and professional autonomy.
- The relation UNIVERSITY-COMMUNITY, the participation in the collective and community life exerting an active citizenship, develops a social commitment that can comport a big profit for the individual and for the society. This education between the people and the surroundings deepens in the democratic principles and offers the opportunity to participate from the equality.
Which commitments involves?
- Interest to purchase the own theoretical knowledges of the world of the infancy.
- Passion by the learning.
- Curiosity.
- Availability to develop actions in the community. Taste by the collective work and the social development.
- Interest to develop personal and professional projects.
240 ECTS (60 for each academic year)